Articles on Pedagogy: Direct, Teacher-Centered & Whole-Class Instruction

What are first-year teachers to do when the approaches taught by their professors of education fail them? For those who want to survive, the answer is simple. The new teachers have to train themselves—often by relying on trial and error—to find methods that truly work. Many will discover the benefits of teacher-centered instruction on their own.
.......- Mark C. Shug
...move educational reform efforts from the fuzzy and unproductive world of educational ideology — which sometimes hides under the banner of various versions of constructivism — to the sharp and productive world of theory-based research on how people learn.
.......-Richard Mayer

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Author(s) Article
Morgan et al.
Which Instructional Practices Most Help 1st-Grade Students [in Math]? (2014)
Dunlosky et al.
Improving Students' Learning With Effective Learning Techniques (2013) New!
Price et al.
Why Mental Arithmetic Counts (2013)
Berlinski & Busso
Pedagogical Change in Mathematics Teaching (2013)
Paul A. Kirschner
Do Learners Really Know Best? Urban Legends in Education (2013)
Barak Rosenshine
Alfieri et al.
Archer & Hughes (Chp. 1) Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching (2011) New!
Paul A. Kirschner Epistemology or Pedagogy, That Is the Question (2009)
Diane Ravitch 21st Century Skills: An Old Familiar Song (2009)
Barak Rosenshine
Clark & Mayer Learning by viewing versus learning by doing (2008)
Daniel Willingham Critical Thinking: Why Is It So Hard to Teach? (2007)
Kirschner et al. Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work (2006)
Lynn Waterhouse Inadequate Evidence for Multiple Intelligences... (2006)
Ken Rowe Effective teaching practices for students with and
without learning difficulties (2006)
Richard E. Mayer Should There Be a Three-Strikes Rule Against Pure
Discovery Learning? (2004)
Klahr & Nigam
Kalyuga et al. The Expertise Reversal Effect (2003) New!
John Hattie Teachers Make a Difference: What is the research evidence? (2003)
Mark C. Schug Teacher-Centered Instruction: The Rodney Dangerfield of Social Studies (2003)
Douglas Carnine Why Education Experts Resist Effective Practices (2000)
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John Hattie (2012)
(Chart) Effective Teaching Strategies
(Chart) Effects of Teacher
Behaviours on Learning Climate
The Sequence of Direct Instruction  

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