Edited on: Saturday, September 18, 2010 1:21 PM
Wednesday, 5 March 2025 - 11:29 |
Sometimes it’s difficult to avoid cynicism about the bloodsport known as politics:
In todays’ Vancouver Sun, Vaughn Palmer offers a devastating critique of the BC Liberal’s handling of the HST. Palmer highlights the key revelations of new government documents from a FOI request regarding the HST. Palmer explains that senior government officials were discussing the HST well before the last election of May 12, 2009. He concludes that, “Far from the HST being off their radar screen, as Premier Gordon Campbell and Finance Minister Colin Hansen have claimed, virtually every aspect of the subsequent tax regime had already been sketched out in the briefing notes well before voting day.”
In January and March memos, these officials were discussing the HST process in Ontario, and examining it in relation to British Columbia. They concluded that the HST would have, in the short run, a negative impact on BC’s economy, but that federal transition funding and flexibility regarding exemptions were available if BC met the federal government’s July 1st deadline. All of this Colin Hansen would have known before the election, assuming he had read his memos – and assuming that no senior official would undertake serious analysis without permission or an initiative from his or her minister.
What is truly heartbreaking about this debacle is that one of the most important predictions from senior staff did not come true. As Palmer recounts, staff were worried about “consumer outrage” over the shifting of the tax burden within the HST. Yet this has not happened. The outrage we hear from Vander Zalm’s group and from the media is that the government lied to us during the election campaign. Or, we hear about the tax increases on certain goods and services (like restaurant bills) that were previously PST exempt. Both of these are valid points, but they miss the biggest problem of the HST. According to Palmer’s summary, the business sector would “get a huge break on taxes… as its share of the sales taxes dropped from the current 48 per cent to 11 per cent. The bite on consumers would soar from 48 per cent to 87 per cent, a tax grab of about $2 billion every year.”
Unfortunately, this explicit act of trickle-down economics has barely registered on popular consciousness. We are so overwhelmed by the “more taxes are bad” message that we forget that taxes are here to stay, so the biggest issue should be who pays the bills and in what percentage. And, by getting the middle class to swallow the issue of general tax rates, and not tax shifting, the elites are able to reduce their taxes without “consumer outrage”. Indeed, the business community can even overtly block the anti-HST initiative campaign without so much of a whimper, one in which Maclean’s labels the initiative, but not the business class’ self-serving court action, as “controversial”. This is a classic example of the second dimension of power, in which, according to Stephen Lukes, political and cultural institutions develop a “mobilization of bias… in favour of the exploitation of certain kinds of conflict and the suppression of others… some issues are organized in while others are organized out”.* In this case, government lies (an essential part of pop culture) and new taxes (which apparently must never happen) become the focus of debate, while the issue of a shifting tax burdens is ignored. Class warfare indeed!
*Lukes, Steven. Power: A Radical View. London: Macmillan Press, 1974.
John Gray’s popular critique of globalization and laissez-faire capitalism, False Dawn*, was originally published in 1998. It has enjoyed a resurgence as a “prophetic” account of our current global economic problems, but I think the book is better viewed as an incomplete analysis, and one that is riven with contradictions and equivocations.
Gray’s clearest and most consistent argument is that capitalism, and especially the sort of global laissez-faire capitalism promoted by the United States (i.e. the so-called “Washington consensus”) is not a natural state of being, and did not evolve naturally. On the contrary, laissez-faire capitalism is a politically constructed product, quite unnatural in most human societies and rarely long-lasting. Thus, the free market “that developed in Britain in the mid-nineteenth century did not occur by chance. Nor, contrary to the mythic history propagated by the New Right, did it emerge from a long process of unplanned evolution. It was an artefact of power and statecraft” (p.7). The system was contingent on an extensive and efficient colonial system, a government-led enclosure movement that enshrined private property, and a long-standing (but relatively unique) culture of individualism. On top of these elements, the British government engineered a laissez-faire economy through a number of extraordinary government measures: “The removal of agricultural protection and the establishment of free trade, the reform of the poor laws with the aim of constraining the poor to take work, and the removal of any remaining controls on wages were the three decisive steps in the construction of the free market in mid-nineteenth-century Britain” (p. 11). Indeed, only in mid-nineteenth century Britain, and in Anglo-American countries since the 1980’s, has laissez-faire capitalism been sustained in any meaningful manner. Gray concludes that the promotion of laissez-faire capitalism – an Enlightenment “universal civilization”, according to Gray – is as utopic as Soviet Bolshevism. The promoters of “neo-conservative” capitalism [now called neoliberal] are “as much captivated by the illusion that the historic sources of human conflict can be transcended as the most vulgar Marxist” (p. 102).
So what form of global economic system is likely to develop in the near future? According to Gray, it will be an eclectic mixture of different forms of capitalism, forms which respect local cultures and traditions, and which meet the primary needs of social cohesion and a baseline level of sustenance. Gray believes that the most successful economies will be the mixed economies in Asia. [Can Germany emerge as a successful and pragmatic member of the global economy? His answer (in Chp. 4) is a tortuous yes and no.] Though Gray wants to avoid generalizations about Asiatic economies, he nevertheless generalizes about Asiatic economies: “One of the appeals of ‘Asian values’ is that by adopting a thoroughly instrumental view of economic life they avoid the western obsessions that make economic policy an arena of doctrinal conflict” (p. 192). In comparison to Asian pragmatism, ideologically narrow laissez-faire economies are at a disadvantage: “In the contest between the American free market and the guided capitalisms of East Asia it is the free market that belongs to the past” (p. 131). The United States will continue to advocate for the Washington consensus, but its long-term prospects are dim. Indeed, evidence “of the superior economic growth, savings rates, educational standards and family stability of countries that have repudiated the American model will be repressed, denied and resisted indefatigably. To admit this evidence would be to confront the social costs of the American free market” (p. 131). America, in other words, will retard the successful acceptance of a framework “in which governments can protect what is distinctive and valuable in their economic cultures” (p. 204). Because of this, Gray is enormously pessimistic about the future of the global economy.
There are two profound problems with Gray’s analysis. The first is that inequality is only briefly discussed (see pp. 32, 108 and 114 ff.). For Gray, inequality is a social problem that leads to legitimacy issues for Western governments. Yet, as we’ve seen from the analyses of David Harvey, inequality is more than merely a political steering problem. Inequality is at the core of the housing bubble and the exotic debt instruments that have been used to create demand where real wealth does not exist. The wealth and income inequalities within states, and the growing trade imbalances between states, are simply not a major part of Gray’s Tory worldview. In this manner, Gray’s book is not prophetic as one reviewer has stated.
The second major problem with Gray’s book is that he has two meanings of “anarchic” economies. The first meaning is clear enough: laissez-faire capitalism is enormously destructive of both political intervention (via Keynesianism and social democracy) and traditional social structures (so revered by conservatives). There is no longer any job security when global capital and trade flow freely across borders. And, ironically, the” free market seems set to achieve what socialism was never able to accomplish – a euthanasia of bourgeois life” (p. 72). In addition to social destruction, laissez-faire capitalism hollows out “the business corporation as a social institution” (ibid). Pensions and other long-term guarantees are no longer the responsibility of corporations, and the prospect of a life-long career seems an archaic relic. Finally, the ascendancy of financial capitalism in the West has meant that the “inherent instability of anarchic [emphasis added] global markets has been enhanced by the growth of an enormous, highly leveraged virtual economy in which currencies are traded for short-term profits” (ibid). In short, the laissez-faire project of reducing all relationships to self-interested monetary transactions seems at hand.
On the other hand, Gray also uses “anarchic” to refer to a period of globalization when the laissez-faire experiment has failed: “Every economy is being transformed as technologies are imitated, absorbed and adapted. No country can insulate itself from this wave of creative destruction. And the result is not a universal free market but an anarchy [emphases added] of sovereign states, rival capitalisms and stateless zones” (p. 194). Technological interdependence, environmental degradation and resource scarcity will render the current set of national and international institutions powerless to stop increased strategic conflict.
It’s unclear whether Gray is aware of the two meanings of anarchy, but he occasionally offers a synthesis: “Worldwide mobility of capital and production triggers a ‘race to the bottom’, in which more humane capitalist economies are compelled to deregulate and trim back taxes and welfare provision. In this new rivalry all the varieties of capitalism that competed during the post-war period are mutating and metamorphosing” (p. 218). Gray appears to be arguing that laissez-faire capitalism causes its successor (post- laissez-faire capitalism). This might actually make sense, but the transition is never fully explained, and it does not reflect his other argument that the Asian and German economies will resist laissez-faire capitalism. To the extent that they are successful in resisting the transformative nature of capitalism, then neither form of anarchy appears inevitable. Of course, it could be that the second meaning – of technology and resource-driven global anarchy – is really just moving the laissez-faire project to its most extreme form. The two anarchies are not conceptually distinct nor successive stages; they are part of the same process. In his original conclusion, Gray seems to be pointing that way, even if it contradicts his earlier discussions:
“The spread of new technologies throughout the world [Gray’s second form of global anarchy] is not working to advance human freedom. Instead it has resulted in the emancipation of market forces from social and political control [laissez-faire capitalism]. By allowing that freedom to world markets we ensure that the age of globalization will be remembered as another turn in the history of servitude.” (p. 208)
This confusion and equivocation is seen throughout the book, and particularly in its conclusions. To be sure, Gray’s book does have some strong elements. The arguments about the artificiality of market capitalism and America’s fateful intransigence are consistent and well argued. Nevertheless, the inconsistencies betray his argument. Does laissez-faire capitalism cause or succumb to a new form of global anarchy? Are they really the same thing? Will the Asian economies resist the demands of laissez-faire capitalism? Gray believes they will, but Asia (as Gray admits) seems weakened compared to the West after 1997. And, finally, if the Asian countries do resist laissez-faire capitalism, isn’t their pragmatism likely to overcome global anarchy? If so, Gray’s Hobbesian pessimism may derive from the wrong problems.
*Gray, John. False Dawn, 2009 Edition ed. London: Granta, 2009. Print.
With a few corrections, the following is my contribution to the conversation arising from an article in The Tyee by Will McMartin:
Well done, Will! Another strong empirical analysis, in a manner almost non-existent in the “A” section of our corporate newspapers.
While giving up on appeals to the business sector might appear reasonable (assuming Shepard is representative of the business class), giving up on talking about the economy is not. The average citizen, not the business class, needs to hear from the NDP leadership that the party is serious about the economy, and will not cede this issue to the BC Liberals due to indifference. They need to know that the NDP has answers for the bumper-sticker accusations against previous NDP governments. And, they need to know that the NDP has a legitimate set of economic policies, where “competition” and “productivity” are not dirty words.
For example, instead of beating the social welfare and environment angles to death (issues where the NDP already has favourable ratings), talk about new things like tax breaks to encourage worker ownership. Say yes to an ownership and enterprise culture, but one where workers are encouraged to gradually assume collective ownership and responsibility for businesses. Social democratic yes, but still recognizing the realities of the market.
Is Carole James up for this? Unlikely. Despite her avowed interest in going in a new direction, she is too conservative: stick to the tried and true, belabor the obvious.
One of the most important but confusing economic benchmarks is the level of debt carried by a nation. Is it in constant or inflated dollars? How do we account for population growth and inflation? Adding to the complexity is the different levels of government in a country like Canada. Probably the best way of measuring debt is as a percentage of gross national product. In an indirect way, it accommodates natural growth (like population and inflation), the health of our economy, and the capacity to carry debt at any given time.
The following are two interesting graphs that help explain Canada’s debt, as reported by the Globe and Mail on Aug. 3, 2010:
One interesting thing to note in the second graph is that Canada’s total debt load looks as bad as the United States. In a certain sense it’s true; debt is debt, after all. But constitutionally speaking, Canada’s federal government is not responsible for provincial debt, whereas the the 50 states in the United States cannot run deficits. So the American federal government owns most of its debt, while Canada’s federal government is only responsible for 63% of Canada’s overall government debt.
One of the more stimulating and thoughtful examples of progressive “left wing” pluralism is A.J. Polan’s Lenin & the End of Politics*. Polan’s book is not merely an attack on the political and historical outcomes of Bolshevism; it’s an attack on the very logic that underlies Lenin’s most democratic and emancipatory analysis of the state, The State and Revolution. The central assumptions that ground this text, Polan argues, form a fundamentally “causal” element (p. 129) in the creation of the totalitarian Soviet state. In other words, Polan takes issue with Lenin’s “best possible case” (p. 58), one where Lenin temporarily veers away from his vanguardist theories and discusses the possibility of a society run by local workers’ councils, or soviets.
At the core of Polan’s critique is an epistemological belief in the limitation of human understanding, which in turn leads to a view of politics that’s, at least in terms of values, irreducibly pluralistic:
“The political realm has to deal with questions to which no answers have so far been found that have the status of absolute truth and can command the assent of an entire populace. Politics, therefore, is fundamentally the contest of conflicting value orientations. The answers to these fundamental issues can never be derived and formulated in the language of rationality and calculability that is the proud possession of the [bureaucratic] administrators” (p. 105).
Buttressing Polan’s analysis is his belief in the historically specific Western consciousness, a consciousness that – following Sartre – is self-aware yet chaotic. In the language of post-modern thought, subjectivity is both the product of and scourge to regularized power. The modern individual is a matter of possibility “produced by ‘conscience’, the possibility of choice. This is the ambiguous burden which the world of modernity inscribes in the heart of the human soul” (p. 213).
According to Polan, Lenin rejects such a view and invokes the Marxist equivalent of Rousseau’s general will (p. 73). The antinomies of Kant’s modern Man are reduced to a single Identity (p. 136 ff.). From the vantage point of the working class (and the Party), Lenin is incapable of viewing dissent or difference as anything but error. And since the Bolsheviks know the irrefutable truth, Lenin (and not just Stalin) is incapable of tolerating politics. To Lenin,
“[p]olitics is private self-interest made public. Thus Lenin’s first move is to abolish any possible distance between the gross economic position of an individual and his motivations; to abolish any space for ‘values’, and consequently, disagreement over values” (p. 175).
Lenin does what politicians of any age have done to their opponents: label their views as merely self-interested, and without principle or merit. But going beyond Western practice (at least until Fox News), Lenin’s opponents are “delegitimized a priori” (p. 174). Enforced by the Cheka and the Red Army, Lenin moves quickly to quash any possible opposition from the outside (liberals and Socialist Revolutionaries) and from within (the “Leftists” and the “labour aristocracy”). Opposition, in other words, is liquidated rather than regularized in parliamentary institutions. In Lenin’s view, why regularize falsehoods?
In the end, the key lesson I take from Polan’s book is that your view of truth has a critically important impact on your political theory, and it must be a consideration during any point of research, analysis and reconstruction. Alongside a view of human nature, a theory of knowledge is a necessary foundation for how you interpret the nature of political life, and formulate essential concepts like politics, autonomy and power.
* Polan, A.J.. Lenin & the End of Politics. Oakland: U. of California Press, 1984.
The current economic problems in Europe and elsewhere have become, at least for the time being, a moment of opportunity for Canada. Canada’s relatively stable financial sector, low debt ratios and healthy consumer demand are attracting a great deal of attention from international investors. As a result, Canadian government bonds do not cost as much to repay, and our overall borrowing costs are therefore reduced.
… “The rest of the world loves Canada and thinks it’s a safe place to invest, and May was a month of panic, generally speaking, of deteriorating European prospects, and of flight to safety,” Eric Lascelles, a top strategist at TD Securities in Toronto, said in an interview.
“Risk-aversion ultimately resulted in extra demand for bonds backed by a strong fiscal position, credible central bank and healthy banking sector.”
The surging foreign demand means Canadian federal and provincial governments issuing debt can pay less to the investors buying it when the securities mature, a dynamic that is also helped by the rather limited amount of Canadian debt for sale.
While both Canada and the U.S. are running large deficits, Canada’s is substantially smaller even on a per-capita basis, less than 4 per cent as a share of gross domestic product, compared with almost 11 per cent in the U.S.
According to the debt-management strategy Ottawa released earlier this year with the budget, the Finance Department will sell $95-billion of bonds in the current fiscal year, less than the $102-billion in the previous year.
“The more appetite there is, the easier it is to issue bonds, and the less the Department of Finance needs to fret over the deficits that are being run right now,” Mr. Lascelles said….
Foreigners’ total net purchase of Canadian securities for the first five months of the year was $53.9-billion, slightly more than the $52.1-billion bought by overseas investors from January through May of 2009.
From The Globe and Mail: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/foreign-investors-eye-canada-as-haven/article1644569/
Canada’s corporate media remains unchanged, even though the extensive Canwest newspaper chain has been sold (for $1.1 billion) and renamed Postmedia Network Inc.
From a July 17, 2010, story from the Vancouver Sun, we see that the major players are merely changing their jackets:
… The senior team, which will run the country’s largest metropolitan newspaper chain, will be led by newly-installed CEO Paul Godfrey and includes Kirk Allen, former senior vice-president of advertising sales within Canwest, as well as Doug Lamb, the firm’s former chief financial officer, a company said in a statement.
The pair will assume the same roles with Postmedia Network and will be joined by Kevin Bent and Gordon Fisher, who were appointed executive vice-presidents of operations in Western and Eastern Canada, respectively.
Fisher moves from publisher of the National Post to president. Editor-in-chief Douglas Kelly has been appointed the new publisher of the chain’s national newspaper. Deputy editor Stephen Meurice replaces Kelly as editor-in-chief….
British Columbia’s long standing push to diversify its trade, and move away from a reliance on exports to America, appears to be gathering steam. Of course, as we found out in the late 1990’s, a growing dependence on emerging industrialized countries – particularly when we’re mostly selling raw resources – may also be perilous:
… Almost 12 per cent of B.C.’s exports went to BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India, China] last year. That outpaces all the other provinces, with Saskatchewan and Manitoba the closest contenders at 11 per cent and eight per cent, respectively.
“British Columbia has got a bit of a jump start, if you will, on some of the other provinces,” [Warren] Lovely said.
“I think you’ll continue to see the country as a whole and British Columbia, perhaps in particular, orientate itself towards the part of the world where demand is the strongest — and that’s across the Pacific.”
The other side of B.C.’s export rainbow is a reduced reliance on the troubled U.S. economy. With 50 per cent of its 2009 exports headed to the U.S., B.C. has the country’s lightest reliance on the U.S. as a trading partner.
Runners-up in the U.S. lite trade category are, again, Saskatchewan at 61 per cent and Manitoba at 67 per cent. Nationally, 75 per cent of exports flow to the U.S….
Lovely cites B.C.’s considerable progress in weaning itself off the U.S. In 2001, almost 70 per cent of the province’s trade headed to the U.S., he said.…
Henry A. Wallace: “The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism.” (1944)